Friday, December 31, 2010

And now, another year...

If in doubt, blow your horn.

Howdy folks!

    This letter arrived by the miraculous gift of email from a lady named Bethea to my good friend, the cat. I could go on about when I was young, there would be personal seals waxed onto letters perhaps scented, delivered by young and handsome Second Footmen... ah, but I digress. Perhaps it's the brandy.
    I would very much like to share with you this lovely ritual that is something innately known but long since forgotten:

    How often have your New Year's resolutions been forgotten by January 2nd? Well, according to ancient tradition, January 2nd was in fact the day to make New Year Resolutions as it is the twelfth day of the Yuletide festival. The ritual involves cleansing ourselves of what we want to remove from our life and affirming ourselves of the things we want to invite into our life.

    The New Moon is a great time for beginnings and we are very lucky this year as the New Moon falls on January 4th and to add to the intensity of this day, a solar eclipse also occurs on the 4th. This way, you can incorporate this extra-power and energy into your New Year's Resolutions.

    Here is what you need to do. Go to a calm, quiet place you won't be disturbed. Draw the curtains and dim the lights or light a candle, or even some incense if you like. Breathe deeply until you feel relaxed – but don't fall asleep. Let your mind drift over the past 12 months, think about all that you've done. Then, write down on a piece of paper all your achievements and everything that gave you pleasure this past year.

    Next, on another piece of paper, list everything you want for yourself in 2011. It can be as detailed as you like. The clearer you are about with your intentions, the easier it is for the Universe to provide it. When finished, put this paper in a safe place, like the back of a drawer. This is the first part of your Resolutions.

    The next part involves letting go. Most of us have one or two habits we'd like to break, like negative thought patterns that prevent us from doing what we'd like to do. Or perhaps there is an emotion we can't quite let go of, one that no longer serves any purpose other than to bring us down.

    On a separate piece of paper, write down the things you'd like to remove or eradicate from your life. When you are finished, put the paper where it won't be disturbed. Then on Tuesday, the 4th, if there is anything additional you'd like to add to your list, go ahead. Now you are ready for the last step, which takes place at night.

    On the night of the 4th, you are ready for the final step, which involves burning your lists. You must do this safely. If you don't have access to a fireplace, you can use a stainless steel bowl or empty coffee can, or you can go outside. Take all your pieces of paper and burn them, one at a time. As you do, say out loud or silently, "I no longer need ………… in my life". While doing this, think about all your negatives going up in smoke and your wish list gathering strength in the darkness!

Well, I and all from Catbird Craft would like to wish you all a safe and happy New Year, may you enjoy all the wonders the future has to offer, love your loved ones and keep magic alive.

That's all for 2010 folks, my regards to you all! 

Now, I really must find that brandy bottle...

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